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Friday, January 22, 2016

Molly Gochman’s Project

    January is Human Trafficking Awareness month and Molly Gochman is hoping that her project will help the world pay closer attention. She read an article about human trafficking. The artist explained, “As I learned more, I saw how big the problem was and felt there was nothing I could do to make a difference”. Molly explained that once she had learned that 50% of children sold for sex in the U.S. came out of foster homes, she realized the key to stopping human trafficking was to invest in the vulnerabilities that lead to it. “I saw sidewalk cracks as a good metaphor for vulnerable populations, and the idea of human trafficking is hidden in plain sight.” said, Molly Gochman.
    We don’t normally think of human trafficking in as being in our own backyard, but it is. It exist all around us. Like sidewalk cracks, we’re just not mindful of it. The sand represents small grains working together to transform a space, and the red color represents urgency. The best thing we can do to combat human trafficking is to learn about it and look for the signs.
If you see anything suspicious, you can report it to the trafficking hotline at (888)373-7888. If you are a victim you can also use the text code (BeFree) and it will automatically erase the text from your mobile device. That way someone controlling your device won’t see it. The most effective thing you can do is start making more informed purchasing decisions and being mindful about the labor force in general. You can visit to request a free Red Sand Project Toolkit and to learn more about the initiative.
~Staff Reporter Shiana Evans

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