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Monday, August 24, 2015

Numbers in Our Society

As high school students we are beginning to have numbers define us. Our GPA, ACT and SAT scores, ECA scores, student ID numbers, and many other scores that will determine our acceptance into college. Even after we get accepted into college, numbers never stop defining us. The Little Prince illustrates how adults are so worried about numbers and not enjoying life! Numbers make up our world and possibly society.
As students our test scores, class rank, and GPA define the type of students we are. As seniors these numbers become extremely important for us to get into college. Each college has a specific GPA to be able to get in and different requirements for ACT, SAT scores and AP scores. As seniors, we need to monitor our scores to become successful and to accomplish success, we need to put a lot of time and effort into preparing for our futures. As much as we would like to, we can not slack off our last year of high school! We have to push through and finish strong.
Numbers defining students becomes even more prevalent at College.  After being accepted into college we are given a student ID number. This student ID number will be used on all of your forms for college along with being used for everything on campus. At college our GPA is still very important. We need to achieve impressive grades to pass the classes to be able to get our degree and aid in getting a job. When having a job numbers will still dictate everything! Social security numbers, salaries, hours, bank accounts, and thousands of other numbers that contribute to our lives.
Numbers define society constantly. They are a major part of our lives and we need to be able to understand them in every aspect to come to terms and succeed.

Staff Reporter- Allysen Brown

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