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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Verteran's Day

~November 11th~
   What’s the big deal about Veterans Day? Why is it such a big deal to everyone? Why is it not such a big deal to others? Well, Veterans Day is a day we take to call out and respect all of our troops who have fought for our country. Veterans Day is such a big deal to everyone because without those brave women and men we would not have the option to be here today. We are all so thankful for the people who risked their lives for us. Wouldn’t you want someone to celebrate all the great things you have done? I would appreciate some appreciation myself! Now, others who do not think so highly of Veterans Day do not really understand what these people have been through for all of us to be here. It’s a shame but it still happens today in 2015, people are disrespectful and ignorant.
Staff Reporter Camryn Bradford

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